Wednesday 25 March 2009

Weebles Wobble

Growing up I had a set of weebles - Weebles were basically little plastic people with circular bottoms and no legs. They looked like eggs, but had painted faces to differentiate between an entire Weeble family: Mum, Dad, brother, sister, baby and dog. They were weighted in the bottom so that if you pushed it over it would just bob right back up again - hence the advertising slogan "weebles wobble but they don't fall down". Hours of fun to be had pushing them over and watching them come back up!!

Well this week I wobbled, lost sight of my purpose, allowed myself to believe the lie that I was in the wrong place, that my talents were not enough, a spirit of fear of failing settled in my heart, this really was momentary, but enlightening.

Weebles bounce back becauase they are weighted and it is what is in their core that means they self right and I after I had cried and a real good friend talked to me and spoke true and honest words over me, reminded me of my purpose and of Gods plan for me I felt that core of me that is rooted in God gently help to put me the right way up again.

I have no doubt that there will be times when I wobble again, but I know that I will right again if my core is solid and to keep it solid I need to work on it. I need to read the right things, put myself in the way of right people, seek good counsel.

Simon, our Senior Pastor has been encouraging us to join in reading the Bible in a year and to be honest I never really got into it at the beginning and then figured it was too late to start now. Well it isn't and so I will start now with the April readings, and yes I will take a few months more than everyone else but everyone needs to start somewhere......and this someone starts here.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - thanks for your openess, honesty, heart. You know I've been wobbling too. It's good to know I'm not alone. A.I.
