Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Sometimes you need to check the spelling

On Sunday in church we were asked to spend some time listening to God as He had a word for each of us that He wanted to speak over our life this year.  As I closed my eyes I smiled as I had already heard God speak, my word was hope, and I started to pray but my thoughts kept being interrupted by the word 'no'.

My words not hope? I asked, 
'no' came the reply, 
so what is my word?
'no' again.  

I dismissed this as there was no way my word for the year was 'no', I was not going accept what I thought was a negative word, this was to be year of change and growth and I had decided that hope was my word, I needed hope to be my word. I was clinging onto hope.

Throughout the night I wrestled with this, each time I prayed, or thought of the word hope I heard 'no' and eventually after a rubbish sleep I woke and as I started my quiet time thanking God for the hope I had for the day and heard once again 'no'.... I argued back asked why, why could I not have hope, why did I have to have 'no'?

And then, as I really listened I heard the word one more time, 'know', be still and 'know'.

So my 'hope' borne out of a place of uncertainty, from a situation I felt alone, something I was clinging onto,  has  been replaced with a 'know' coming instead from  a place of assurance and has me wrapped in security.

Psalm 46:10
“Be still, and know that I am God;

1 comment:

  1. I love this post and the 'knowing' ove 'hoping'! When God interrupts, it's always powerful! X
